Chris Jericho vs. Kenny Omega from NJPW 2018

This was a no disqualification match for Omega’s IWGP United States Championship match.

Given the physical state of Chris Jericho (let’s call it limber but slow) in 2018, this was probably the best it could have been (which is to say not all that much to write home about).

Jericho is the aging, pudgy rockstar. Kenny Omega is the new hotness. They *mostly* told that story. Jericho was somewhat cagey in his actions in order to get and keep the advantage. Omega mostly relied on bigger stuff to keep it competitive.

It really though just felt like a super dragged out, if unique, plunder brawl. It was not executed poorly. It just never had that anger or violence necessary to overcome the limitations of Jericho and the length/style of the match.

Bringing in Jericho was a worthy idea. It made the show feel bigger, and the fans responded well to him and the match. He did good business, worked hard, and gave Omega a high-profile win on one of the biggest wrestling events of the year. There have been worse ideas on previous Wrestle Kingdoms for outsider matches. [Omega won after a One-Winged Angel onto a chair.] (**1/2)

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