Edge vs. Rey Mysterio from WWE 2008


Royal Rumble
January 28, 2008

This match was for Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship.

Originally reviewed here.

I actually remember this match, and it made me feel Mysterio was washed up as a performer (a feeling I certainly did not take pleasure in having). Naturally, he looked great in a tag match on the following Smackdown (and had some good feuds with Punk and Jericho after this).

They did a shitty hurricanrana early on. Hawkins and Ryder were quickly ejected. Rey hit a pescado and got booed. Edge cut him off and went after the left leg. Rey managed to hit a wheelbarrow bulldog and then made a comeback. He actually hit a double stomp for a nearfall. They a couple of ugly looking things. Edge hit a big boot, but Rey hit the 619 and a splash. Vickie pulled the referee out. Rey went for another 619, but Vickie ate it for him. Rey went for a springboard move, but Edge caught him with a spear: 1…2…3

I thought this was just okay. Rey looked bad in a few moments. Edge’s leg work went absolutely nowhere and took up a bunch of time. I also don’t think Edge needed to cheat to win this match at all. Rey did not need protecting in the slightest.
Match Rating: **1/2

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