Burning (Kenta Kobashi & Jun Akiyama) vs. Stan Hansen & Akira Taue from AJPW 1999

This was the 1999 Real World Tag League Final.

This came across like the last big match Hansen was ever going to have, and it was executed just about as well as you could hope for given that. Hansen and Taue jumped the champs from behind to start the match. They proceeded to throw everything they had at them.

The match mostly followed the path you’d expect given that start. It seemed like the structure was falling apart a little in the second half, but it would be a difficult argument to make given how wild and hot it all was.

Eventually, Kobashi and Akiyama managed to finally isolate Taue in the ring and Akiyama murdered him with leaping knees and exploders before finally keeping him down with a wrist-clutch exploder. VERY GOOD PRO WRESTLING. (****)

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