The Midnight Rockers (Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty) vs. Super Ninja & Ninja Go from AWA 1987

June 12, 1987

This match was for The Midnight Rockers’ AWA Tag Team Championship.

Originally reviewed here.

The Rockers were DESTROYING the Ninjas for a long time. Shawn even hit a pescado. 1987 is officially the earliest outside dive that I’ve ever seen now. The Ninjas cut Marty off shortly after that though. They worked him over for a very long time. It’s so sad to see how empty this building is. The fans that are there cared at least. Marty ended up on the floor, and Shawn was hitting him to get him to fire up. It briefly worked, but Marty got worked over some more. He finally managed to dive back to his corner though, and Shawn made a hot tag. Wow, Shawn actually got cut off. I did not see that coming given how long Marty was worked over. Marty decided to help Shawn, and they gave one of the Ninjas a double superkick: 1…2…3!

This felt like two-thirds of a great match. This needed an epic comeback by the Rockers to really reach that next level, but the finish instead felt like they just escaped with the titles. That’s fine and can lead to great things down the line. It just took away from this match.

Match Rating: ***1/2

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